The Local Actions Non-Dam Alternatives (LAND) is a collaborative effort to identify and evaluate potential options to the proposed flood retention dam on the upper Chehalis River that can reduce flood damage while maintaining the region’s cultural, ecological and economic integrity.


Chehalis Basin community members met in May 2022 to establish shared values that can serve as a foundation for LAND as we explore possible alternatives. These values will be shaped and refined through public feedback.

Family, Culture, Heritage

The strength of the Chehalis Basin comes from its people and the diverse heritages, cultures, and experiences they represent.

Natural Wonder

We value the Chehalis Basin’s unique environment, employment and recreation options, and a home to a wide array of animal and plant life.

Economic Vitality

We strive to support local economies, keeping Chehalis Basin businesses robust. A thriving regional economy inspires innovation.

Trust, Respect, Self-Determination

The future of the Chehalis Basin must be decided by the community itself. We recognize and respect the rights and treaty interests of the Tribal Nations in the Chehalis Basin and appreciate the rights of all property owners.

Public Safety/Resiliency

Safeguarding our communities from the negative impacts of flooding is fundamental. Adequate infrastructure and programs should ensure regional resiliency.

Healthy Environment/ Healthy People

We envision a solution that prioritizes the well-being of our people and our environment.

LAND Alternative

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